Helldivers 2: Top 10 Strongest Enemies & How to Beat Them

Encountering the toughest adversaries in Helldivers 2 can be a challenge, but don’t worry! This guide is here to offer strategies on how to overcome the top 10 most difficult enemies in the game.

Venturing into the unforgiving universe of Helldivers 2 can feel daunting, especially when you’re unsure of what you’ll be up against. Amidst the myriad enemy types, there are a handful of formidable foes that you’ll want to be prepared for. This guide delves into the top 10 toughest enemies in Helldivers 2 and provides tips on how to emerge victorious.

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Top 10 Toughest Enemies in Helldivers 2

To aid you in the liberation of planets from Terminids and Automatons, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most challenging enemies you’ll encounter in Helldivers 2, along with strategies for defeating them:

10. Automaton Rocket Raider

Helldivers 2 - Rocket Raiders

The standard Automaton Rocket Raider may appear relatively easy to dispatch, but their shoulder-mounted rocket launchers pose a serious threat, capable of decimating even seasoned Helldivers if not dealt with swiftly.

How to defeat them:

  • Be wary of their wide blast radius and heavy splash damage.
  • Prioritize targeting Rocket Troopers, especially when they’re among other basic Automaton troops.
  • Utilize erratic movement to evade their precise rockets, then retaliate quickly.

9. The Jetpack Trooper

Helldivers 2 - Jetpack Trooper

Jetpack Automatons close the distance swiftly, often diving into the midst of Helldiver squads. While their airborne nature makes them easy targets, their explosive demise presents a danger, dealing area damage that can incapacitate nearby Helldivers.

How to defeat them:

  • Maintain distance when engaging Jetpack Troopers to avoid their lethal explosion upon death.
  • Remember to move away from them before delivering the final blow.

8. The Pouncer and Hunter

Helldivers 2 - Pouncer and Hunter

These agile Terminid troops, including leaping Pouncers and evasive Hunters, present a formidable challenge. Pouncers bound across battlefields to ambush Helldivers, while Hunters employ dodges and strikes to outmaneuver gunfire.

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How to defeat them:

  • Focus on eliminating the more threatening Hunters first when facing mixed groups.
  • Prevent Pouncers from isolating squad members by maintaining group cohesion.
  • Employ shotguns or machine guns to dispatch them after creating distance.

7. The Rocket Devastator

Helldivers 2 - Rocket Devastator

Among the Devastator variants, Rocket Devastators stand out as particularly lethal adversaries. Their shoulder-mounted rocket pods unleash a devastatingly accurate barrage, posing a significant threat to exposed Helldivers.

How to defeat them:

  • Disable their primary threat by targeting and destroying their rocket pods first.
  • Alternatively, aim for their exposed head weak points using high-powered weaponry for a swift takedown.

6. The Stalker

Helldivers 2 - Stalker

True to their name, Stalkers employ stealth tactics to surprise and incapacitate unsuspecting players. Their ambushes leave Helldivers vulnerable to subsequent attacks from other Terminids.

How to defeat them:

  • Remain vigilant for the subtle sounds of their cloaked movements, alerting teammates when Stalkers are nearby.
  • Avoid killing them outright to track them back to their lairs, marked by question marks on the compass.
  • Destroy nearby Stalker Lairs to prevent further ambushes.

5. The Spewers

Nursing Spewers and Bile Spewers pose a significant threat with their lethal acid attacks, capable of swiftly incapacitating Helldivers.

How to defeat them:

  • Target their bright weak points from a distance before they can close in.
  • Employ area damage explosives to neutralize clusters of Spewers.
  • Maintain group cohesion to prevent being surrounded and overwhelmed.

4. The Scorcher Hulk

Scorcher Hulks, formidable mech foes armed with twin flamethrowers, pose a grave threat to Helldivers. Their slow pace belies their devastating offensive capabilities.

How to defeat them:

  • Divert their attention away from objectives to create openings for attack.
  • Target the glowing heatsink weak point on their backs while evading their flames.
  • Utilize railguns for precise shots to swiftly dispatch Scorcher Hulks.

3. The Tank

Helldivers 2 - Tank

Automaton Tanks boast formidable armor and firepower, presenting a daunting challenge to even the most seasoned Helldivers.

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How to defeat them:

  • Draw the Tank’s attention away from teammates to exploit its weak points.
  • Aim for the glowing part on the back of the cannon with railguns for maximum effectiveness.
  • Coordinate attacks to swiftly dismantle Tanks before they can retaliate.

2. The Charger

Helldivers 2 - Charger

Terminid Chargers are known for their devastating charge attacks, requiring quick reflexes to evade. Their resilience makes them formidable adversaries even under sustained fire.

How to defeat them:

  • Target their leg armor with railguns or rocket launchers to weaken them.
  • Time sidesteps effectively to evade their charges and maintain distance.
  • Remain composed and coordinated to overcome the Chargers’ formidable defenses.

1. The Bile Titan

Helldivers 2 - Bile Titan

Bile Titans represent one of the most daunting challenges in Helldivers 2, wielding immense strength and deadly acid attacks. Overcoming them requires careful coordination and strategic use of resources.

How to defeat them:

  • Utilize armor-piercing weapons to penetrate their thick hides effectively.
  • Focus fire on their legs to cripple them before targeting vulnerable weak points.
  • Employ elite-killing Stratagems such as Orbital Laser Strikes to swiftly neutralize Bile Titans.

Key Takeaway

Remain adaptable and vigilant when facing Helldivers 2’s toughest adversaries. By exploiting their weaknesses and coordinating as a cohesive unit, even the most formidable threats can be overcome. With skill, strategy, and the right equipment, victory is within reach for Super Earth’s finest.

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